Thursday 26 May 2011

Struggling to Loose the Extra Pounds? Try the HCG Diet Plan

The HCG diet has been there for ages but it is increasingly gain recognition now for its ability to cure the obesity epidemic.  The plan involves taking the HCG drops along with a very low calorie diet to start with. Below are some of the key points of the HCG diet plan.

It is very important that the doses are taken regularly without fail for they trigger the body to use unused fat cells and convert them into energy. The hormone triggers the body to only use the stored fat and does not take away the muscle cells that are vital to the functioning of the body. While on a HCG weight loss plan it is important and beneficial to eat organic food for they along with the HCG doses help bring the body metabolism to normal. Eating the unhealthy and processed food gets the body metabolism go haywire and makes it difficult to knock of the extra pounds that you gain eventually. While on the HCG diet its important that you go on 500 calorie diet initially but this should not be  cause of concern as the body utilizes the stored fat that makes up to the 2000 calories that are converted into energy. Having more than 500 calories can again lead to fat getting accumulated and making it difficult for the HCG hormone to trigger the consumption of stored fats. Following the diet religiously and taking the HCG drops on a regular basis without fail helps restore the metabolism and keep the weight at bay making you look and feel healthy.

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