Tuesday 3 May 2011

Precautions to be followed when on an HCG Diet

Losing the extra pounds has been one of the toughest fights being fought by the dieters around the world. The fight often results into frustrations and desperation as nothing seems to work for those who have been struggling to lose weight for years now. But toady there is a sure shot and effective answer to the dieter’s misery. It is the wonder chromosome called the HCG. The chromosome is present in the human body specifically pregnant women and is effective in cutting the unwanted fat in the body and thereby helping us loose the weight.

An HCG diet comprises of taking oral HCG drops along with a low calorie diet of fruits, vegetables and lean meat. The complete diet if followed with care and precaution brings in flattering results in quick succession. If the diet plan has its pros then it has certain cons associated with it as well and has been a hot topic of discussion in the medical fraternity. Hence it is very important to know the dangers prior to commencing on the diet. As talked above the HCG drops have to be taken with a very low calorie diet missing on the drops any time could prove to be fatal for the body.HCG targets the unwanted fat in the body in areas like the belly and love handles converting them to energy thereby making it a healthy procedure. If one misses a single dose of the drops then chances of losing the good fat covering the vital organs which is not good and thereby risking your health.

Once finished with the complete HCG diet plan following the maintenance phase religiously is also very important. During the course of the diet you tend to lose a lot of weight as result of the low calorie diet. Hence it becomes all the more important to maintain after that as what has gone fast will come back faster. Another important and the biggest dangers is buying HCG from unidentified sources can pose a good amount of risk on your health. Keep in mind the dangers and have a safe and effective weight loss.

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