Monday 16 May 2011

Injections Vs Drops Making the Perfect Choice

The most searched phrase on the internet today has been “lose weight fast and keep it off”. Seems difficult to believe but yes this can be achieved and for this one need to go for those expensive weight loss programs or surgical procedures. Reports also suggest that not only these are expensive but the success rates associated with these is as low as 10%.So what does one do in such a situation? The answer is HCG the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone produced primarily in the pregnant women. Research shows that the hormone is excellent in targeting the unwanted fat in the body there by causing weight loss that is effective and does not come back easily.

Once you have decided to go in for the diet the question arises is in what form should the hormone be taken as it is available both in the form of injections and drops. Studies suggest that it is always beneficial to take the hormone orally. The HCG drops have numerous advantages over taking them through injections. Taking it orally is pain free as compared to using injections and also the risk of infection, swelling or itchiness caused by the needle not there. The HCG drops are more cost effective as compared to the shots and also one is spared of the additional cost of visiting the physician to get the shots administered.

Using the HCG drops for weight loss is more convenient than the shots for they do not require refrigeration and can be easily carried anywhere. Researches conducted by the medical fraternity also suggest the drops to be more effective than the shorts. It was observed that people who took it orally that is via drops have shown better results as compared to those who took the shots. The weight loss was rapid with 1-2lbs per day and felt less hungry in between the meals. Choosing the drops or injections is a dieter’s personal preference but going with the trend it is always beneficial to go for the drops over the shots.

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